Northern Coalition Corporation is a federally incorporated non-profit organization, established in 1996 with the following mandate:
- Increase members’ share of adjacent fish resources;
- Ensure security of access to Northern Shrimp;
- Share quota access equitably;
- Promote development and conservation of Northern fisheries;
- Provide a common voice on Northern fisheries issues and access;
- Collaborate with DFO in resource management/allocation functions; and,
- Promote members’ roles in job creation and Northern development.
The Coalition consists of six social enterprise corporations that are either indigenous birthright corporations, pursuant to respective Inuit land claim agreements in Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut, or are community based organizations owned predominantly by aboriginal residents in Labrador. All Coalition members:
- have a long standing and successful presence of almost 40 years in the Northern Shrimp and Greenland Halibut fishing industry and hold fishing licences and quotas in adjacent coastal areas (NAFO Areas 0, 1, 2GHJ).
-share a collective allocation of Northern Shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Area 5 (off Southern Labrador).
- are committed to economic development and employment in their respective regions. All profits and/or revenues derived from their fishing licences and operations are reinvested to support some 45 social enterprises employing almost 2,400 people in birthright corporations and community based, indigenous businesses throughout the regions. The significant benefits of their fishing industry operations and partnerships accrue to 52 Northern coastal communities and their 40,000 residents throughout Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut and Labrador.
The Coalition works closely with federal, provincial and territorial governments throughout the region and has a strong collaboration with Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Northern Coalition members are deeply committed to ensuring that adjacent marine resources are responsibly and sustainably managed and that the sensitive Arctic Marine ecosystem is appropriately protected.
Coalition members have strategic partnership arrangements with fishing companies throughout Atlantic Canada. In addition, the Coalition partners with other fishing industry organizations in fisheries research through the Northern Shrimp Research Foundation and in international marketing programs such as the current Coldwater Shrimp Marketing Program for China.